Friday, 30 September 2011

Brand New Day

Time flies by, doesn't it? I can't really believe it's autumn again and the year is almost over. Another summer's gone by and here I am, back to uni, back to real life I guess.
But for once, I'm glad. This year is going to be different. It's going to be better. A new beginning so to say. A brand new day...

Joshua Radin - Brand New Day

Wednesday, 18 May 2011

Plimbare Nocturna/Make You Feel My Love

Plimbare nocturna

In seara asta e curent in statia de metrou, iar parul imi zboara in toate directiile. S-asa e ud de la ploaie... Ajung pe peron si ma asez repede pe o bancuta. Sunt asa de pierduta in lumea mea incat nici nu-mi dau seama ca a ajuns trenul. Ma urc in tren, iar pana la statia mea, din nou ma pierd in alta lume. N-am castile in  urechi, dar in mintea mea canta o melodie bine cunoscuta. Tipul in costum de langa mine imi arunca o privire ciudata, de parca as fi o aratare a noptii. Dupa mirosul de bere imi dau seama ca tot ce vede el e din alta dimensiune. Cateva scaune mai incolo, ea tocmai adormise in bratele lui. Nu ma mir. E seara tarziu si e vremea minunata a sesiunii. Cu greu ma rup din vis si ma ridic de pe scaun. Da, e statia mea. 

Afara in continuare ploua, dar sincer chiar imi place. Mi-ar placea si mai mult daca ar fi furtuna, cu tunete si fulgere si ploi torentiale. Ies din metrou si ma indrept incet, incet, spre casa. Drumul ma duce pe langa parc, pe sub castani infloriti. Nu stiu daca de la ei vine mireasma asta atat de placuta, dar nu prea imi pasa. Ma bucur de ea, pentru ca nu prea am de ce altceva. Melodia din gandurile mele se repeta neincetat, iar eu mai un pic si ajung pe strada mea. Ma indrept spre colt iar inima imi salta cu speranta ca ma astepta in fata blocului. Evident, filmul meu nu corespunde cu realitatea. Intru in bloc, iar cand ajung la etajul 5, etajul meu, aceleasi ganduri imi umplu mintea. Dar din nou, filmul meu... e doar al meu. In apartament e frig, e intuneric... si e gol.

Adele - Make You Feel My Love

Thursday, 7 April 2011

Walking On Sunshine

Here's a list of my favourite morning tunes. These songs and today' amazing weather made my morning absolutely delightful. Enjoy!

1. Walking On Sunshine - Katrina and The Waves
2. Beautiful Day - U2
3. Valerie - Glee Cast Version
4. Trampled Under Foot - Led Zeppelin 
5. Dancing with myself - Glee Cast Version
6. Don't Stop - The Rolling Stones
7. A Night Like This - Caro Emerald
8. Lust For Life - Iggy Pop
9. It's The End Of The World (And I Feel Fine) - R.E.M.
10. Subterranean Homesick Blues - Bob Dylan

Walking On Sunshine - Katrina and The Waves

Wednesday, 23 March 2011

Summer/Vama Veche

I dream of summer nights... I dream of feeling sand between my toes and of a warm sea breeze. I dream it's just after sunset. The sun has gone down yet suddenly everything comes to life. Somewhere, someone is playing the guitar. Songs of days gone by and of days to come. Songs of happiness, of sorrow, of you and of me. 
A walk by the water perhaps? The sea is gentle and calm, the waves seem to be in sync with the music. You can hear people singing in the distance, you can hear them laughing. Someone decides to go for a swim. 
How about lying down for a while? You close your eyes and take it all in... And you think nothing could be as perfect. 
Maybe a kiss, a soft touch, a whispered 'I love you'...? Maybe just the night or maybe forever. I dream of summer nights... 

PS: There's only one place I can think of... Vama Veche

Vama Veche - Cu Tine

Monday, 21 March 2011

It's The End Of The World As We Know It... And I Feel Fine

Inevitably, this song popped into my head the other day. Quite a cliche, isn't it? Well I'm not too sure that it really works right now. Civil War in Libya, an earthquake in Japan (plus the possibility of nuclear disaster), protests in Bahrain, Yemen, and pretty much the whole of the Middle East, the U.N.'s inability to make any decisions about it, etc., etc. These are just a few of the things going on lately. 
I could probably go on and on about the situation in Libya. But I'm not going to bore you with that. All I will say is that I'm so unbelievably frustrated about the whole thing. Every time I watch the news I get a headache. The news reports about Japan are painful to watch as well. Apparently we can't get enough of seeing horrifying videos of people being taken away by the water. Somehow, everything's gone up in smoke at the same time. But if you stop and think about it, this whole year has been marked by shocking events. Remember the Moscow Airport bombings for example. Furthermore, natural disasters such as earthquakes have been on the increase in the past decade. Unrest in the Middle East (and not to mention the war in Afghanistan or Iraq) are also on the news on a monthly basis. So, is it really the end of the world as we know it? Or is this just, life as we know it?
It seems to me that these things have now become the norm. The situation is not getting worse, it's become the normal situation. Either way, I don't particularly like it. But as the song goes, "and I feel fine..."

R.E.M. - It's The End Of The World As We Know It... And I Feel Fine